kindness counts

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Celebrated Random Acts of Kindness Day by talking all things kindness @themeetcart + crafting kindness cards with @anythinklibraries last night (🔝)

RE: all things kindness – a common misconception about kindness is that sharing & spreading it is this fluffy, easy-breezy-kind-of-thing. It’s associations with confetti, smiley faces, and sunny days make it seem effortless, uncomplicated, and straightforward.

I think there is certainly a lightness found within the root of kindness, but there is also great depth---anchored in the belief that as a humanity, we are all worthy of care, attention, affection, justice, empathy, and compassion.

Encouraging you to think of some ways to integrate a tad bit more generosity and kindness into your everydays.
>>>pssst: it starts with giving it to yourself first<<<
...then I dare you to delight in making someone’s day whether you simply offer a compliment, let someone go in front of you in a line (and hey let's face it with lines these days--that is an absolute gift), or anonymously leave a nice note on someone’s windshield.

“do your little bit of good where you are; it's those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.” -Desmond Tutu

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